Friday 11 December 2009

Regular Contributions

After a few initial teething problems (it appears I can't blog four times a day, seven days a week) the blog is officially being regularly updated from now! We have a rota between the editorial team which means you will get a Wessex Scene update at least once a day. The whole team are on board, and if you are lucky some may even blog more than once every two weeks...

It is exciting stuff and the editors have been given free reign in the content they choose to upload. Whether talking about what it means to be an editor, something that has made them angry on or off campus, random events that they have participated in - the variety of content is impossible to imagine! So don't imagine, start looking at the site every day and see for yourself the wonderful amount of material we are going to cover.

And don't forget to vote in the poll to the right of this post - results will be published in the first issue of the Wessex Scene printed after the holidays.

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