Thursday 3 December 2009

New Issue

I haven't blogged in a while, so sorry about that! It has been a nice couple of days off from the paper, although there have been editorial meetings, merging meetings and a trip to Winchester School of Art during that time, so whether I can really call it time off is negotiable. It has been a nice few days away from the computer is what I really should say - and that has been very nice indeed!

The new issue came out today, and I hope you all like it. As ever comment is free (or so the guardian say...) so do get in touch letting us know what you think. Chances are it is the same as us, and unfortunately not all the changes we want to make are possible, but we will continue to do our best. I like this issue, have heard that some people think it is too wordy, but it is a newspaper and we only come out every three weeks so we have a lot to squeeze in. Think we need to re-evaluate layout in terms of the different sections, and then perhaps there will be more space and images throughout the paper as opposed to the whole publication being stuffed with words.

Let me know how many mistakes you find - I have found a particularly bad error in my article, which I accept total responsibility for! It teaches me not to ever put off finding a fact in favour of doing three other things at once.

My visit to Winchester School of Art was great - lots of arty, creative people who think very differently to how we have slowly been conditioned to think. Lovely people who want to get involved and who have some incredible ideas for future issues. Thanks to those who turned up, and I really look forward to working with you and not forgetting about your existence any longer!

There is still tons for me to write, but I will keep this short for now :)

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