Friday 20 November 2009

Wessex Scene Blog

As you should have noticed by now, the Wessex Scene is printed every three weeks at the University of Southampton. We do our best each issue to ensure that the news stories are as relevant as possible, but inevitably there is a delay of a week between the sending of the issue to the printers and the date it hits the stands.

Facebook is of course one way to inform students of the latest news on campus, but a blog is a more suitable outlet for Southampton students to check for news between issues. It is also a way for us to upload any video interviews we conduct with an array of (famous) faces for your viewing pleasure.

There are no rules for this blog - we will upload it with anything worth knowing when there is something worthwhile for you to know. Feel free though to send us in the gossip from campus, and anything ridiculously funny that you overhear around the University.

Carla Bradman

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